"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Letter to BP

British Petroleum
c/o Tony Hayward, CEO

Dearest BP,
I am writing to you as a concerned American citizen, specifically as a member of an elite class here in our country- GRITS. For you British that do not understand our acronym, GRITS stands for Girls Raised In the South. Now that you understand that I am a southern girl, you should realize the importance of the pristine, white Gulf Coast beaches in my life. I grew up spending many summer days playing in the beautiful sand in Destin and Panama City. Your company has now guaranteed that my children will not be offered the same pleasures.

When this mess began, your company's chief executive officer stated that the oil spill was not that big in comparison to the size of the Gulf of Mexico. I am just wondering, do you not have maps in Britain? The Gulf of Mexico is not as large as you might think, and oil spreads quickly. A large number of people along the Gulf Coast make their living through the seafood industry. As I am sure you know by now, all of these people are now out of business. Sir, your company is taking its time in processing claims, how do you propose these honest, hard-working Americans feed their families? Oh, that's right, you are only concerned about your life getting back to normal. You attended a yacht race last weekend with your family. I would love for you to bring that million dollar yacht to the Gulf of Mexico... oh yes, silly me, you can not take boats out in most parts of the Gulf now.

Five years ago, a fatal hurricane named Katrina hit Louisiana and devastated its population. Yes, here in the southeast, we have this feared season each year that lasts from June to November. Had British Petroleum done its research and used common sense, they would have known the Gulf of Mexico breeds hurricanes. The Gulf's warm water only strengthens an already powerful storm. In planning to repair the Deepwater Horizon oil rig and manage the disaster that has resulted from the oil spill, BP would have greatly benefited from acknowledging the time delays that would occur due to potential storms. Of course, this would have required a little research and responsibility on your part. If you or your company believed in responsibility, my country would not be facing the greatest environmental disaster in America's history.

If I had my choice sir, I would force you to walk the famous beaches loved by all Americans every day. You could join the clean up crews, consisting mostly of lifelong fisherman. You could pick up the bodies of dead animals, animals that suffocated due to the oil in the water. You could travel from town to town and talk with families who have had their entire livelihood taken away. I believe these are excellent ideas; however, I know it will never happen, that would cause too much of an inconvenience in your normal routine.

In closing, I would like to thank you for nothing. The oil rig exploded over two months ago and no definite solution has been set forth. While you enjoy your leisurely weekends with your family, one of our country's greatest ecosystems continues to be destroyed. I am thankful for my memories playing in the Gulf of Mexico, and I am extremely regretful that this opportunity will not exist for future generations. Although I am disappointed in and angry with you and your company, I will continue to purchase BP gas. I do not think that American business owners should suffer from your inability to properly function, and someone has to provide funds for you to compensate those "small people" in the Southeast. I hope you will read my letter and understand how much damage this oil spill has caused, and I hope you have nightmares about oil covered animals and hungry children.

Jaclyn Williams
"A Small Person"

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We Ask WHY

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Usually, I like to keep my blogs entertaining and upbeat; however, I will warn you, this one is very different. To write about anything other than this subject today would be impossible. Today, people all around Eufaula will say goodbye to their daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, friend, and girlfriend- another young soul lost far too early. I did not know Laura very well, but I do know what her family and friends are going through. For so many of us, it is a tragedy that hits all too close to home, making repressed memories ever-present on our minds and in our hearts.

August 25, 2007, I woke up and planned to go about my Saturday just like any other day. God had very different plans for me that day.... He has a way of doing that. That morning I lost Tylor, and my life changed forever. Various trials we face throughout our lives make it hard not to question God at times. Here I sat, one day before the five year anniversary of my Dad's death, asking WHY? While pondering the why of the situation, I remembered what Tylor told me a mere two days prior-

"Remember Jaclyn, everything happens for a reason, God never gives you more than you can handle."

It is a lot easier to make this statement than to comprehend it. Everything in our earthly life happens for a reason... God truly does have a plan. His plan frequently leaves us weary and asking why, but I guess we will all have to wait until we meet the man upstairs to ask Him ourselves. My heart breaks for all those suffering today, because I never want anyone to feel the pain that is associated with losing someone you love so much.

People say "time heals all pain." Well, that is a lie. I can debunk that myth very quickly- time heals some pain and hides other pain. I believe loved ones learn to deal with and adjust their lives after such an unexpected loss. I know you never get over it. Not one day goes by that I do not think of and miss my Daddy and Tylor. Yes, I know they are in a better place, but that does not always make it easier. Diamond Rio sings a song that states it better than I ever could:

"God only cries for the living 'cause it's the living left to carry on. And all the angels up in heaven, they're not grieving 'cause they're gone. There's a smile on their faces 'cause they're in a better place than they've ever known."

I have cried a lot of tears over the loss of Daddy and Tylor, and a lot of tears have been shed in the past few days over the loss of such a beautiful spirit. All I ever heard about Laura was that her outer beauty was equally matched by her inner beauty. In our town it is rare to find someone that no one can speak a negative word about- that is a true testament to her character. The coming days and weeks will be extremely difficult for those closest to Laura, but there will be people out there praying for them and supporting them. Sadly, several of us understand.

The events of this weekend should be a reminder for all us- life is too short. We should hold our loved ones close and live each day to the fullest, we are not promised tomorrow. As teenagers and young adults, we think of ourselves as being invincible. Tragedies such as this should not be in vain. Our town has lost several young people who were innocently going about their everyday lives; yet, their friends and acquaintances go out every weekend and take risks that could be fatal. This should be a wake up call- God could call your name at any moment in any way. Let's face it... God does not Facebook chat us and ask when it would be convenient for Him to call our name- when it's your time, it's your time.

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow."

As we reflect on memories of loved ones that have passed away, and we learn to and continue to live our daily lives, we must depend on God to sustain us. After all, each person's first and last breath is part of God's mysterious plan.

"I'll praise you in this storm, and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are no matter where I am

and every tear I've cried you hold in your hand

You never left my side and though my heart is torn

I will praise you in this storm."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Did You Say?!?

Inspired by the high class, intelligent waitress I had at Hooters last night, I decided to write this blog. There is nothing that makes my day more entertaining than strange things that people say, frequently stupid things. Celebrities and politicians are constantly finding themselves in hot water for off-hand comments they make. Part of this blog will be dedicated to Apartment 621, a place where you could never tell what was going to be said or what was going to happen. Today, I want to share some of my favorite things people probably should have thought twice about saying.

"So you want to split these fries, like split them in half for the check."
-Lindsey, Hooters Waitress

"I did not have sex with that woman."
-Bill Clinton... yes Bill, you did have sex with that woman and so many more

Everything General Stanley McChrystal and his staff said to the reporter from Rolling Stone magazine. Costing yourself a highly respected and honored military career is, well, STUPID.

Miss South Caroline's answer at Miss USA about maps- unfortunate.

Something along the lines of birth control being a controlled substance
-Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih
(I usually consider illegal narcotics a controlled substance)

"Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."
- Joe Theismann

"Roll Tide."
- This comment made by any person is unfortunate

George Bush
(Yes, I like him so much, he gets his own section as well!)

"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror."

"Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?"

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

Apartment 621

"OH MY GOSH!"- Jaclyn
"What?"- Ashley
"The stock market dropped 300 points today!"- Jaclyn
"Oh, I thought it was something important."- Ashley

"I was Snow White one time when I was little, but I should have been Cinderalla, it fits me more appropriately."- Ashley
"Why, because she sleeps all the time?"- Sunita
"NO, that was Sleeping Beauty!"- Ashley, Heather, and Jaclyn

"Where is Darfur?"- Sunita
"Isn't that in Mississippi?"- Ashley

"Why is Alabama's newspaper called The Crimson and White?"- Sunita
(I think that is self explanatory!)

"....some random statement about South America..."- Jaclyn
"Well, Mexico is part of South America!"- Ashley (Apt. 924)
(I think they need better geography teachers in the Eufaula City School system)

These are just a few examples of the millions of silly things that are said on a daily basis. Please share more entertaining quotes with me!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Unfortunate Bridesmaid

While playing on Facebook today, I ran across an article someone had posted on one of my friend's wall. This article provided pictures of absolutely hideous bridesmaid dresses. So, I thought I would share them with you... plus some more that I discovered!

"I ain't saying she a gold digger... but she ain't messing with no broke...."
If the bride is marrying a millionaire or professional athlete, there is a significant possibility that she is looking to be a gold digger. For this occasion, this could be the perfect dress!

Dresses with tails... maybe if you have a specific passion for squirrels that would be great... if not, you should probably avoid this style all together.

A dress that looks like its color should be "highlighter yellow" under no circumstances is acceptable.

There is no better caption for this photo than the one in the ugly dress slide show... Toddlers and Tiaras all grown up.

God Bless America... literally, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

You could not get the full enjoyment of these dresses without seeing the bride's dress. It is not just hunter safety orange bridesmaid dresses but a camouflage dress wedding dress. Even for a southern girl this is a little much (OK, a LOT much!).

These are just a few of the ugly bridesmaid dresses I located online. I am sure there are plenty more out there... sadly, you may have a few in your own closet. Future brides beware, do not make your bridesmaids the joke of your wedding. Memories may fade, but pictures last a lifetime.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Essential Manners for Men... Jackie-O and S Dole's Edition

Last year, I bought Logan a book entitled Essential Manners for Men. I must admit, I have never read the book, and I am sure he has not read it either. In theory it sounds like the perfect gift for a young man, at least from a girl's perspective. I am almost certain that his subscription to some drum magazine or clothes or anything else appeared far more appealing than the book. Over the weekend, Sarah Dole (S Dole) and I were running errands and discussing guys- particularly the way they act at times. This conversation led us to create our own little version of Essential Manners for Men. Since the majority of blog readers are women, I thought you might enjoy our rules for men in relationships.

1. THINK. Really, this should not be that hard, but for some reason, guys just do not use their brains sometimes. If a guy sat around and carefully considered an action before acting on it or words before speaking or texting them, things would turn out much better (especially for him).

2. If you date a girl, you should always be willing to help her family out when asked. For example, you are over at her house to eat dinner and Mom needs a bag of ice- buddy, you should be jumping off the couch to run to the store. Showing sincere concern and interest in her family in turn shows sincere concern and interest in her and your relationship.

3. When your girlfriend decides she needs to run to Wal-Mart or the Beeline, you should also be jumping out of your seat to ride with her. This rule is particularly important if it is dark outside. Now really, do you want your girlfriend walking in a dark parking lot alone at night? If you are thinking, then the answer is NO!

4. I know that formal dates are rare in this day and time, but should you be going on one, please read carefully. You go to pick your date up from her house- NEVER EVER EVER just blow the horn or text and say "in the driveway." Get your lazy booty out of the vehicle, walk to the door, politely knock, make small talk with the parents, and pick up your date. If you are just running to town or something of that nature, it is fine to call or text and say you are in the drive way, still do not just blow the horn.

5. Speaking of dates, you should plan one every once in a while. I can not tell you how excited your girlfriend would be if you told her that you planned an outing for yall- dinner and a movie or a sporting event or just a relaxing evening at home. It shows you care.

6. If you are on a date, you should pay. This rule is key if you initiate the date... no if's, and's, or but's about it. If you planned it together or are just meeting up, it is up for discussion, but you should at least offer sometimes.

7. Open the door- the car door, the store door, the house door. Back in the day, opening the door for your lady was common place, not as much so now. Surprise her sometimes and open the car door, especially when you are on a date. Always open the door to a structure (yes, that means house, store, restaurant, gas station... anything with four walls). It shows your true character when you open the door for not only her but also other women entering at that time.

8. Hold hands with your girlfriend, it makes her feel safe.

9. Drive. People joke that men are better drivers, but I believe that women would just rather the men drive. S Dole and I are both princesses, we like being chauffeured around... so man up and get behind the wheel!

10. Carrying bags is another "boy job." If you are traveling together, you should always load and unload the luggage (and carry it when you get there). If your girlfriend goes shopping, you should offer to bring the bags in from the car. Most importantly, a guy's job on a shopping trip consists of sitting on a bench and holding the bags... can you handle that?

11. When you go to the girl's house (be it her's or her parent's), take out the trash. Trash can be heavy and nasty... so, it's your chore!

12. If your girlfriend cooks for you, you better offer to wash the dishes. She may want to do them herself (yeah right), but it is always nice to offer.

13. Grilling is your job. Some women like to grill, not me. If it requires a big flame and charcoal, I am going to need you to prepare that.

14. The whole "equal women movement" has caused some people to believe that women should be mowing the grass and trimming the trees. I pay a lot of money for my fingernails, I am not one of those women.

15. The car= YOUR job. If it needs washing or cleaning, I love helping... key word- helping. If it needs fixing, I will leave that up to you. If it needs gas, I will swipe my credit card, but please pump it.

16. From previous blogs and previous knowledge of my life, you should know that electronics hate me. I like for my man to deal with the electronics, be it my cell phone, computer, television, or Garmin. It will save a lot of headache and me having a meltdown.

17. If you have a dog together, you are in charge of dog poop... simple enough.

18. Always be willing to give your girlfriend a massage. If you volunteer for the task, you might even get one in return.

19. Text or call your girlfriend just to let her know you are thinking about her. A text such as "hey baby" or "what are you doing" means you are thinking of her.

20. ALWAYS be ready to stand up for and defend your girlfriend. Never let other people talk badly about her and never let another man disrespect her. She is your girlfriend, you care about her, so you take care of her!!!

I know the list could go on and on... so please comment with additions! Happy Monday!

Friday, June 18, 2010

All in a Day's News- June 18th Edition

So, today is my favorite day of the week- FRIDAY! When Friday rolls around, it means I have successfully completed another full week of work, and my reward is two days of relaxation in Eufaula. For the second week in a row, I have saved my news blog for my favorite day! I think a Friday news blog is slowly establishing itself as a tradition.

BP Oil Spill
Three weeks ago I first voiced my opinion about the BP oil spill. Today, on Day 60, nothing has really changed. I can definitely say nothing has gotten better, if anything, things are much worse than officials ever anticipated. It literally makes me sick to my stomach watching the news and seeing the pictures of the once beautiful, white Gulf Coast beaches. It breaks my heart to see the pictures of the defenseless, oil-covered animals. Reports state that the animals continue to move closer to shore seeking clean water and fresh air to breath; sadly, the oil is right behind them. My absolute favorite CEO, Tony Hayward, appeared before Congress yesterday. He received a verbal lashing from one representative after another, except for Rep. Barton (R) of Texas of course. I can not even begin discussing Joe Barton, we do not have time for all of that. Tony Hayward, displaying the distant, nonchalant attitude for which he has become infamous, repeatedly denied any knowledge of the rig that exploded and sparked the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Mr. Hayward, of course you had no knowledge, what exactly do you have knowledge about? To date, you have shown the American public.... well, nothing. Evidence has shown that your company is clearly negligent- 760 OSHA safety violations in the past five years, compared to two by Citgo and one by Exxon Mobil. Critics suggest that the future of British Petroleum operations in our country currently hangs in the balance. Honestly, if I never saw the little green and yellow sign again, I would be ecstatic. I have never ever ever cussed in my blog; however there is only word sufficient and accurate enough to describe the majority of the big name individuals dealing with this unprecedented environmental disaster- dumbass. Yes, I am talking most specifically to you Tony Hayward.

Utah Execution
Did you know that a state could still execute someone by using a firing squad? I sure did not. The state of Utah executed Ronnie Lee Gardner last night- he was pronounced dead at 12:17 A.M. to be exact. When sentenced to death, Gardner could choose between death by firing squad or death by lethal injection. The state later eliminated the firing squad as an option in 2004. Gardner received the death sentence after being convicted of the 1985 death of Utah attorney Michael Burdell. Gardner shot Burdell to death as he attempted to escape from the old Metropolitan Justice Hall in Salt Lake City. This execution follows the logic shared by many proponents of capital punishment- "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

Arizona Immigration Law
I have not done much research about this issue; however, as the subject receives more and more media attention, I realized I should probably look into it. As of now, the federal government is looking to file a lawsuit against Arizona. That is all I know. Do not worry- immigration is a hot topic in our apartment, so I need to know more about Arizona's little law. By next week, I will be an expert!

NBA Finals
Well, the Lakers won it all. For the second consecutive year, the NBA Finals became a "Lake Show." I am proud to say that a large portion of my Facebook friends were pulling for the Celtics, but they just could not quite finish it off. Props to both teams for a fantastic Finals, and congrats to the Lakers... maybe next, it will be someone else.

World Cup Soccer
It's still dominating sports headlines and television stories. I still don't care. How many days until August when real football starts? Have no fears... a countdown will begin very soon!

Hometown Sports News
My Mom called me this morning to say, "Your best friend's head is going to be a little bigger after today." Indeed, it might be. Earlier in the week, the Dothan Eagle conducted an interview with Jerrel and made it a feature story. That story is printed in today's Eufaula Tribune. For those of you that do not have access to either newspaper, I will post the link to the online story below. I look forward to seeing how Jerrel teaching the "young cats" turns out. Also, I am expecting him to take the ball to the "crib" at least three times on special teams. That my friends is real football.


Have a good weekend ya'll! Try to stay cool!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Maybe I Should Be Amish

So, as the majority of you know, I have the absolute worst luck with technology. It is an ongoing joke that technology "self destructs" around me. It would be hilarious if it was not more than true. Yesterday, Logan and I drove to Birmingham to take my computer to the Apple Store. On the way, Logan made an ingenious suggestion concerning my inability to properly use and maintain electronic devices. He said, "You should be Amish, they don't use technology." For five seconds, I seriously considered the comment, then I realized exactly what being Amish entailed. I did a little research, because basically, I like being all knowing and learning about new things.

I would be willing to bet (something I could not do if I was Amish) that the people of the God-fearing Amish community would not approve of my choices of clothing. For example, the fact that almost every outfit I own shows a little cleavage or requires me to wear five inch heels, I do not think they would accept me. My wardrobe consists mostly of black attire, a color not usually worn by the women of the group.

If my choice of clothing did not pose a problem, I probably would be prompted to become a part of a group that does not believe in the use of technology. After three failed computer hard drives, two failed computer batteries, and one failed computer power board, I am questioning whether I should own a computer? Since I am going to law school, it's definitely a necessity. When I get my computer back, will it be reliable? How long until it messes up again?

My bad luck does not stop with computers, it includes cell phones, cameras, and Garmins... yes I said GARMIN! I usually go through at least three cell phones a year. In fact, I purchased my third one in the past twelve months- a Blackberry. This is the first time I have attempted to use a Blackberry, so I think we should start making bets on how long it will last.... yes, we can do that, after all, we are not Amish. Seeing as how I love my Blackberry, I fully understand why people frequently refer to it is a "Crackberry." I purchased a new camera a month ago, after the untimely death of my old one. Also, I am on my second Garmin in the past six months. Only my Garmin would just go kaput...thank goodness the nice people at Best Buy who replaced it for free!!!

My life would not be complete without my computer, Blackberry, camera, and Garmin; however, there are some days I wonder what life would be like never having had them. It's not a lifestyle I will ever have, I just do not think Amish country is ready for me!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Only God Can Be My Judge

This morning, I received this poem written by someone very close to me. I love the poem because it exemplifies my exact feelings. I am a firm believer in the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.- "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character." With each generation, the United States continually evolves and becomes a more accepting, diverse country; however, we have yet to fulfill Dr. King's dream. Sadly, some people in our nation do not realize that all people, regardless of skin color, were created equal.

My Life

I made my choice; it is the best for me
Some people in this world just don’t see.
I can close my eyes, but not my heart
It won’t ever keep us apart.
Trusting in God to be my guide
I am not ignorant nor have foolish pride.
He made each of us, he sees no mistakes
I will live my life and not be fake.
Being different has become a fear
I will stand tall even when I shed my tears
I have feelings that can’t go away
There is no shame, I allow them to stay.
In God’s image we were all made
He gave us life with the price He paid
Everyone is equal through His eyes
That fact is something most despise.
Opinions are given everywhere I turn
No matter what is said they just need to learn;
My heart is gentle, but not afraid to stand tall
Harsh things coming at me, I refuse to fall.
When my mind is made up I will not budge,
Just remember that God is my only judge.

I would consider myself a hypocrite if I did not believe that everyone was entitled to their own opinion. Our country would not be nearly as successful if it were not full of people with varying viewpoints and beliefs. Yet, I kindly request that when you choose to express your opinion, you do so very carefully. If you do not want to be considered ignorant or a full out idiot, then be extremely selective in wording your opinion and know the appropriate time and place. If you are sharing your thoughts with those closest to me or myself, do not be surprised if you get the following response, "Thank you for sharing your opinion, but quite frankly, I don't care." Remember, as so many tattoos state, "Only God Can Judge Me!"

Monday, June 14, 2010

6.12.10.... We're Back!

That's right. It is Facebook official, so it is OFFICIAL. Logan and I are back together. Most of you are probably rolling your eyes, saying "Why am I not surprised?" Those that know us best had already began betting on how long it would be before we were dating again.

For those of you that do not know, our relationship started in April of 2008. I was hanging out with Haley, and we went to meet some of the boys in her class. The boys were congregating in the woods, and we decided to join them. I am not a big fan of the dark, so the quicker I was able to get out of the wood that night, the better. Through a series of random events, I met Logan that night. I thought he was cute from the get go- of course I did, I am a cougar. The next day, I got a text message from a random number. That random number happened to be Logan. He got my number by lying to Haley... smooth Lo, real smooth.

So, slowly, we became better friends. After a year and a half of ups and downs and lots of drama, Logan and I decided to date. That was the first time. We started dating on June 12, 2009. We dated for nearly four months when I realized things were not working out. Logan and I went our separate ways, or as separate as the two of us can get. Seeing as how I am very good friends with his sister, Lindsey, and love his parents, I was pretty much the ex with whom he was stuck!

Around March, Logan and I became close friends again. We started hanging out every weekend and texting during the week. Pretty soon, our adventures consisted of crazy times with our sisters. All of the time we spent together almost made it seem like we were dating again. On Saturday, June 12, 2010, we made it official one more time. One year to the day that we started dating the first time, we became boyfriend and girlfriend again. :)

One year can change a lot of things. We are have both grown a lot and are at a different place in our lives. I am a lucky girl, because this time, I date my best friend.

Friday, June 11, 2010

All in a Day's News- June 11th Edition

I saved my news blog for Friday, because I wanted to be able to cover all the exciting events for the week. Let's face it, there is way too much going on in the world. I have a lot of topics to cover, sports included, so I will only be giving a brief report on each subject.

**First and foremost, seventeen American men and women were killed in Afghanistan in four days this week. Yesterday, I looked into the eyes of a guy who lost one of his good friends, a Marine, over there this week. I never want to feel that pain, but it reminded me that freedom comes with a price. So, as most of us sit in air conditioned offices all day, yet still find something to complain about, let's remember our service people who are fighting for us. God Bless America, and God Bless our troops.**

Joran van der Sloot

So, frankly, I am tired of talking about and hearing about van der Sloot. I am relieved to know that he is being charged with first degree murder and robbery. In Peru, if he is found guilty, he will serve 15 to 35 years in prison. REALLY??? The only way van der Sloot gets what he deserves is if he becomes everyone's new, favorite pretty boy in jail. Have fun Joran, don't drop the soap.

BP Oil Spill

Day 53. Things are one million times worse than what researchers first estimated. Tony Hayward is still an idiot. The government is still trying to figure out what to do. Sorry Obama, I am afraid this has become your Katrina, except much much worse. My question remains- What can you do? So much damage has already been done, and there is no way to contain all of the oil. I thought offshore drilling was a marvelous idea, maybe I was wrong.

The Stock Market
Regardless of what Ashley thinks, the stock market is very important! After a hectic week of trading, due to the European market, the Dow is now above 10,000 again. I like green arrows, not red ones.

University of Southern California
Let's face it, no one really likes USC. It probably did not hurt many people's feelings when the NCAA issued their findings in the lengthy investigation involving the USC Athletic Department. I have two key concerns about the NCAA's ruling.
#1- Reggie Bush- I love the Saints, but this is your fault. You are living the highlife of a Super Bowl champ, and your alma mater is now suffering because of your selfishness. You have taken the opportunity to play in a bowl game away from a lot of young men that wear the same colors you once did. Not only that, your actions have cost your former teammates and school a national championship. This should be a lesson for college players- don't let your head get too big, don't do anything that could jeopardize the future of your school's program.
#2- So, USC loses their National Championship, what happens then? Will the record books show no national champion for the 2004 season? Logically, one would say the #2 team should be given the championship. At the end of the season, Auburn was the #2 team in the country, but they were not USC's opponent in the National Championship game. In my books, of course, Auburn should have it- after all, they already got screwed out of it once.
The best part of this situation is that Lane Kiffin (an SEC outcast) is now the one left to deal with the lose of scholarships and inability to play in a bowl game for the next two years. You caused problems at Tennessee, and their new coach is left to deal with them- it is only fitting that you are left to deal with Pete Carroll's problems!

Conference Chaos
I am not a happy camper about all of the conference switching. If this craziness were confined to conferences like the Big 12, Big Ten, Mountain West, and WAC, I would not care. However, if the Big Ten is looking to restructure their conference so that it will be the toughest and most feared in the country, the SEC can not sit idly. So, who will the SEC invite to join the most powerful conference in the NCAA? I put my money on an ACC team- Florida State, Clemson, Miami, and Georgia Tech. Those would be my top four teams. Commentators have thrown around the idea of extending the invitation to Oklahoma. That is ludicrous. SEC stands for SOUTHEASTERN Conference. I believe you should be located in the southeastern portion of the United States if you want to be part of the SEC. Last time I checked the map, Oklahoma was in the Midwest. The idea of conference expansion makes me weary but so does the Bowl Championship Series, and it happens every year. Once all of jet engines cool off and the secret meetings become public information, it will be interesting to see how all of the conference realignment turns out.

The World Cup
This is big news in a variety of countries across the world- in both the political and sports arenas. But, wait, I don't care.

NBA Finals
Outside of their loyal followers, the Lakers have about as many supporters as USC. They are a great franchise, and the best will always be hated. I have no allegiance to either team, I do enjoy watching quality basketball. Four games in and a tied series makes for an extremely interesting Finals.

That's about all I have today guys! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

There is no "Dish Washer" Fairy!

Ok, I am guilty, I LOVE making list. I create a to-do list on a daily basis. When I am traveling somewhere, I jot down a list of everything I need to pack for the trip. I make shopping list for the mall, Tiger Town, and the grocery store. I even have an ever-changing list of items I need for my new "big girl" apartment. You have probably noticed a running theme with my blogs- the majority of them consist of a list. Today, I realized that some people need guidance in learning how to make the transition from living at home to living on their own in college. We will call today's list "Your Guide to being a Stress-free, Lovable Roommate."

1. Get to know your roommates. When I first moved to Auburn, I lived with two girls that I did not know, and one of them became my best friend. The first step to ensuring a positive living environment is to become well acquainted with those with who you are sharing the space. Plus, if you get to know your roommates, you might learn that they are super creepers or just simply creepers.

2. Be sociable; after all, this is key in getting to know your roommates. Do not stay holed up in your room all the time, especially if you do not know your roommates- it could make them think you are a little strange. Come out of your room, hang out in the den, go out to dinner, and become friends!

3. Always lock the door. If you are in college, this should be commonsense; however, some people never cease to amaze me. Your hear horror stories on the news daily, and this should be a reminder to try to be as safe as possible.

4. Do not invade your roommate's privacy. OK, so I might have been guilty of this a couple of times, but overall, you probably should try to avoid it. This makes you look like a creeper.

5. Never use your roommates shower or bathroom without their permission. I have a phobia of dark hair. If my dark-headed roommates used my shower without me knowing about it, it could trigger a meltdown if I came home to find dark hair in my bathroom.

6. Do not eat your roommates' food (unless they have said they do not care). Food does not come cheap, so you should know your boundaries in this area.

7. On that note, you should not have to label everything that is yours in the kitchen, particularly if no one else does. If you label everything, it makes you look like you do not trust your roommates, not a good way to begin a living relationship.

8. Try to leave as little as possible just "laying around." So, I am more than a little guilty of breaking this rule. The problem lies in the fact that I have SO much stuff. I need to apologize to all of my former and current roommates for continually failing to follow this rule.

9. Speaking of laying around- I can tolerate stuff laying around, but nasty, I can not handle. If you make a mess in the kitchen, please clean it up- this includes, but is not limited to, the counter, microwave, and floor.

10. Wash all dishes in a timely manner. It is pure disgusting to leave dirty dishes piled up in the sink. If you use the dishes, wash the dishes. Regardless of some people's beliefs, there is no dish washer fairy. If you put dishes in the sink, they only get washed when you or someone else washes them. You should especially be timely in washing dishes when they are not your own.

11. Trash tends to accumulate quickly; therefore, the trash should be taken out frequently. If you see a bag of trash that needs to be taken to the dumpster, grab it on your way out the door. It takes one minute at most and helps to keep the apartment clean.

12. Be sure to always turn off the lights or fan when you leave a room. You do not want to waste electricity and run up the power bill.

13. Do not dominate the washer and dryer. It is understandable that you might have a couple of loads of laundry a week, but four or five loads a week, that is a little ridiculous. If you do have several, do not do them all at once. Allow your roommates some in between time to get their laundry done as well.

14. When doing your laundry, do not leave your laundry in the washer and dryer. This is another rule I am guilty of breaking, so once again I apologize. It is just annoying to have your mind set on doing your laundry, only to find someone else's laundry is still in there.

15. If you are going to have company for an extended amount of time, inform your roommates. I have never cared that my roommates had company, I just liked a heads up so I could tidy up a little.

16. If your significant other decides to stay there all the time- wait, stop there, that's just not ok. If that person is not paying rent, then they should not be there all the time. It is understandable for them to be present a good bit of the time, but once they start staying there when you are not there, it crosses the line and becomes a little freakish.

17. Try to stay appropriately clothed when your roommates have company. I might be a little guilty of breaking this rule on one occasion... opps! I love wearing my towel wrap around the apartment. To me, that is appropriately clothed. It covers more than my swimsuit would. Also, if you decide to undress, do not leave undergarments lying in the public area. That is just strange.

18. Be careful in making lists around the apartment- some people are a bit testy about this, even if no harm is meant by it.

19. If problems do arise between roommates, sit down and discuss them like adults. After all, you are in college now, so act like it!

20. Overall, be considerate of each other. If you respect your roommates and are considerate of each other, then everything else should fall into place.

I know everyone that has had the pleasure of living with a roommate would like to add a few more to this list, please feel free. If you understand these twenty rules though, you should be well on your way to making a respectful, lovable roommate!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Facebook Etiquette

Last Friday night, I sat around with Laura, Logan, Shelby, and Sarah discussing aspects of Facebook that bothered us. Rather, I should say, things that people do on Facebook that are questionable. So, we began developing a list of issues that could leave a lot of gray area as far as appropriate action is concerned, mostly involving relationships. As we chatted, I realized that this would be the perfect blog topic. Last week, we discussed rules and regulations Facebook should probably require all users to agree to. I would now like to highlight a few areas that call for the pure use of common sense and proper facebook etiquette. Please provide your feedback as well!

Questionable Subject 1: Wedding Pictures

Ok, so you are in a wedding and post the beautiful pictures on Facebook. Two years later, the couple gets divorced. What do you do with the pictures? Do you delete them? Do you untag the no longer so happily wed couple? Do you keep the select photos you like?

Questionable Subject 2: Pictures With Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend

You break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, do you delete or untag all of your pictures together? My answer is no. If you look through my old albums, you will find pictures of many of my ex's. Just because we broke up does not mean that they were never a big part of my life.

Questionable Subject 3: Relationship Status
I believe we covered this last week, but just a friendly reminder- if your relationship status is "it's complicated," you might want to reevaluate your relationship. Also, how long should you wait to make your relationship Facebook official? Should it happen instantly? You know that if it's not Facebook official, it's not official. When you do break up, who changes their relationship status first?

Questionable Subject 4: Facebook PDA
Public displays of affection are a little too much life in general, some people are more apt to partake than others. Facebook takes PDA to an entirely new level. An occasional "I love you" or "I miss you" is acceptable. But really... your "Facebook family" does not need to know how much you and your boyfriend or girlfriend love each other or how much you want to hold each other. Save that for more private forms of communication- text messaging or Facebook messaging. Where should the line be drawn? Should Facebook add a "this makes me want to puke button?"

Questionable Subject 5: Relationship Obsession
If every status you write is about you and your significant other, you might need help. If you comment on every post or picture that involves your significant other, please stop, you might need help. The world, especially me, does not need to know every aspect of your relationship, most definitely if it is fabricated. How much information is too much for Facebook?

Questionable Subject 6: Cheating on Facebook

Once again, I will use one of my favorite quotes, "Facebook is the downfall of players and pimps." You probably should not try to have multiple relationships at one time while using Facebook. If you catch someone cheating through Facebook, should you inform their significant other? Under what circumstances is it ok to share such information?

These are the main areas we discussed during our round table in the Rutlands' pool house. Now, it's your turn to weigh in on the topics. How do you feel about proper relationship etiquette on Facebook?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Diet... Yuck!

So, here is the deal. I have a problem. I love to eat. When I say eat, I mean eat. I love fried chicken, bread, chocolate, basically all sweets, soft drinks, and sweet tea. This would not be a problem if I had the metabolism of Laura or Ashley, but God did not bless me with being natural skinny. If I want to be skinny (my skinny is still a little thick thanks to the thighs), then I literally have to work my butt off.

If you take a look at the pictures I posted, you will notice a significant difference. The first picture was taken on my graduation day- May 2010. The second picture was taken around September 2008. The second picture is a much skinnier Jaclyn, one that is buried somewhere under the layer of fat I have acquired thanks to donuts and ice cream.

I have an extremely bad habit of dieting in spurts. I will work very hard for a few weeks, lose several pounds, then fall back into old habits. As of today, I am making a resolution for that never to happen again. This time, I am going to lose the weight and keep it off. After all, when I am in law school, when will I have time to eat?

I want to do this diet thing the right way. I know plenty of people that starve themselves or create unhealthy habits to shed their unwanted weight, but that is not me. I want to lose the weight the right way, so that it will be easier to keep off in the long run.

I began my diet and working out yesterday. I plan on eating at home everyday during lunch and cooking something healthy for supper every night (probably chicken or a lean cuisne). I am going to make myself go to the gym everyday, because I know if I miss one day, I will be off track.

My ultimate goal is to lose forty pounds and find that skinny Jaclyn that existed two years go. Lots of prayers needed!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Oh yeah, it's me!

Congratulations blog readers! Today, you get to learn a little bit more than you already know about me. As I tried to develop a topic for my blog, I felt as though some of you might judge me a little or think I am too critical if you did not know me very well. This is your opportunity to get to know me, Jaclyn Rae Williams, before you judge me for what I may write about or analyze in the future. Get comfortable and get ready to learn! :)

1. I was named after my maternal grandfather, Jack Raymond Sanders. Granddaddy Jack passed away five days before my parent's wedding, so I never got to meet him, but I got my awesome name!

2. I have loved polka dots and the colors red and black since I was very young. The first outfit I picked out was red and black polka dots with Minnie Mouse on the shirt.

3. When I was young, no one could understand me when I was talking. I had to go to speech class with Ms. Janna Klages. You would never know it now that I am a college graduate with a degree in Communication.

4. When I was in preschool, I told my teachers that my Daddy had a dead baby in his trunk. In reality, he worked at the DA's office at the time and had to transport a baby's body to the crime lab in Montgomery. I only heard part of the story while listening to him on the phone. Needles to say, it makes for a good laugh, but I am pretty sure my teachers were a little concerned at the time.

5. I met my best friend Laura on the kindergarten hallway of Bluff City Elementary School the day we started kindergarten. Our Moms introduced us because they thought we would become good friends- they could not have been more right. (There might be some days they regret this. To this day, Laura is my G.

6. My favorite Halloween costume in elementary school was a birthday cake. I dressed up as a birthday cake, and Shelby dressed up as a cupcake. Yes, we were awesome little kids!

7. I clearly remember the first item I "saved" my money up to buy- the American Girl doll Samantha. I kept A Little Mermaid bag on the shelf in my closet and put any money I earned in that bag until I had enough to buy Samantha. I loved money then and buying big ticket items, nothing has changed!

8. I thought I was the bomb in elementary school because I was Vice President of the Student Council my fourth grade year and President my fifth grade year. We got to talk on the radio, which I also thought made me awesome.

9. Shelby and I had a dog from hell named Jingle. Jingle was a lovely gift from Santa, a gift we eventually wanted to return. Jingle ended up running away, and Shelby and I did not notice for two weeks. (our parents knew, they even searched for the little devil)

10. I was probably the only employed fifth grader. I started working in my Dad's law office on Martin Luther King Day my fifth grade year. After that, I worked on and off during school holidays.

11. I got detention in the seventh grade for flirting with the boys in the school store. Mrs. Estes was not very fond of me from the get go, that was my Dad and my Uncle Marty's fault.

12. My favorite hobby in middle school was mud riding. My family and the Bush family frequented the mud hole behind our house. For a girl that was never too excited about getting dirty, you would have never known it when I was on the four wheeler.

13. I was an Acteens drop out. I decided that hanging out with my Dad and his RA's at my house was a much better Wednesday night activity.

14. August 26, 2002, forever changed my life and the life of everyone close to me. God took my Daddy home that night- to say it was a shock is an understatement. Our lives have all been different since that day.

15. I was the only one of my friends that did not enjoy participating in homecoming activities. Rolling, Crisco fights, throwing eggs- just not me!

16. I loved Eufaula High School football. I was not allowed to be a cheerleader, but when the cheerleaders started slacking, I adopted their football players and took them prizes on game days!

17. I spent New Years Eve my senior year studying for DECA. I was determined to get on stage at the International DECA Conference that year- I succeeded.

18. I cry at every "last" football game I go to- that would be the last high school game of the year for that respective school. Seeing senior football boys cry brings back bittersweet memories of the Class of 2006 on the field in Alexander City after losing to Benjamin Russell. Even worse, it brings back memories of the Class of 2007 at Legion Field after losing the state championship game.

19. I am still not over losing the state championship game.

20. I met one of my other best friends in August of 2006. I got matched up randomly to live with two girls named Margaret Ann and Heather. Who knew Heather would become my other half.

21. I have met every member of Heather's family wearing my pink bath robe or a towel wrap. The first time I met her Mom, she thought we would hate living together and that it would never work out. Boy was she wrong- now I am like another one of her kids.

22. August 25, 2007, changed my life again. I lost my love Tylor that day. Tylor's death left a hole in my heart, but it gave me strength. Not a day goes by that I do not think about Tylor, his beautiful smile, big hugs, and the fabulous yellow rose he gave me.

23. I took the fall semester of my sophomore year off of school following Tylor's accident. I started working at Personal Touch, one of my most favorite jobs ever!!!

24. In April of 2008, I was hanging out with Haley Ates on a Friday night. Haley and I went to hang out with a bunch of guys her age. The boys were hanging out in the woods between Collinswood and Brookwood. I am scared of the dark, and I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. It was on my mission to leave the woods that I met Logan. Well, I knew Logan, but not very well. Through a series of random events, I began hanging out with Logan and his family. I can not imagine my life without Logan, Lindsey, and their parents.

25. My sister got the most precious ball of fur in July of 2008. Shelby named the baby Miss Priss. I never thought I could love a dog, but Priss stole my heart. She is undoubtedly the princess at my house, and she knows it.

26. My junior year of college I lived in Apartment 621 with Heather, Ashley, and Sunita. I did not know how all of this would work out in the beginning, but after a year of pure craziness I hated to see it end. Some of my best memories were made in Apartment 621.

27. I never understood the true meaning of freedom until August 7, 2009. On that day, I had the distinct honor of watching my best friend Jamie graduate from Parris Island, Marine Corps basic training. I now realize that each man or woman in uniform is someone's best friend, son or daughter, sister or brother, husband or wife. We are the land of the free because of the brave.

28. Football is my favorite sport. During football season, that is pretty much all that matters. (Sadly, this year, that will be different). I love my Auburn Tigers. I also avidly support the Troy Trojans and my best friend Jerrel Jernigan!

29. My new favorite song is "August Side of September." It is sung by Eufaula's own Haley Ates. In case you have not heard it, you should listen to it, it is beyond amazing.

30. My family and friends mean the world to me. There is nothing in this world that I would not do for someone that I love and care about. In my life, people and relationships are my #1 priority.

That's about all I have for today... hope you enjoyed learning a little Jaclyn trivia.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

All in a Day's News

As the majority of you know, I am a news junkie. I check online newspapers and sites at least ten times a day. I even read newspapers... I know shocking, someone under the age of forty reads a written news source. I try not to bore people with my blog topics, so I am limiting myself to only one blog focusing on current events a week, maybe two if special circumstances arise. This week, three news stories caught my attention... so, reporter Jaclyn is on the stories.

Jordan van der Sloot

I found it rather disturbing to turn on the news last night and see Jordan van der Sloot's face. Hadn't Mr. van der Sloot previously been questioned, arrested, and released in connection with the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalie Holloway? Almost five years to the day that Holloway vanished, a young woman in Peru is murdered. She was last seen leaving a casino with van der Sloot, and her body was later found in a hotel room under his name. Does the MO sound familiar? Oh yes, one major difference exists, there is a body this time. Just a couple of hours ago, Jordan van der Sloot was arrested by Chilean authorities. I am sorry, but how stupid do you have to be? Mr. van der Sloot, you got away with murder the first time, shouldn't you have learned your lesson? Apparently not- let's hope that justice is served this time. Regardless of the justice served for the murder in Peru, no justice has been served and no closure exist for Natalie Holloway's family and the community of Mountain Brook, Alabama. I would be ok with whatever form of punishment the courts of Peru find appropriate for Jordan van der Sloot- even if it is hanging him by his toenails or another body part (check my facebook page for suggestions). Van der Sloot is truly an evil man and a stupid, stupid criminal.

BP Oil Spill
This story breaks my heart. I grew up spending my summer vacations on the beautiful white beaches of the Florida panhandle. Every weekend during the warm-weather months, thousands of Georiga cars drive thru Eufaula en route to these same gorgeous beaches. Pretty soon, my wonderful memories of the Gulf Coast beaches will be just that, a memory. As the oil nears the Alabama and Florida coast panic has set in. The BP oil spill is no longer an image on television, but it is reality for Americans in Louisana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. New estimates surface daily- the latest stated that the oil spill could potentially be the worst natural disaster this country has ever faced. My question is, what can be done? So much damage has already occurred and so much damage is eminent. BP CEO Tony Hayward initially stated that the oil spill was relatively small compared to the overall size of the Gulf of Mexico. My favorite statement of Mr. Hayward's was made just this past week. He said, "There is no one that wants this thing to be over with more than me. I want my life back." Excuse me Mr. Hayward- you want your life back? Did you forget about the eleven men that lost their lives when your oil rig exploded, an oil rig that your company knew was not properly functioning. Sir, you do not even live in this country. I am sorry for not being able to empathize with you and the disruption this event has caused to your life, but my sympathy belongs to the residents of the Gulf Coast. Yes, the men and women whose entire livelihood has been taken away because of your company's irresponsibility. The ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico will never be the same, people have lost loved ones, and entire lives have been ruined; so Mr. Hayward, I hope your life never returns to normal. I pray that your company is held completely accountable for the unprecedented destruction they have caused.

The Middle East

Ok, I know, the Middle East is a very broad topic. Do not worry, I will narrow it down very quickly for you. The biggest issue I have in the Middle East at the moment is Israel. No, we are not at war with Israel, so you probably are confused as to why I am concerned about America's friend. Oh wait, there is the problem. Israel is America's friend. The United States refuses to break any type of connection with Israel to address other issues in the Middle East. If the United States wants any "street cred" on the world stage, then our government should probably break a few ties- first and foremost our relationship with Israel. The relationship hinders the United States from having an accurate perspective on the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian State. If most Americans did a little research, they would quickly discover the same information I did. Suicide bombings and extreme violence are not only committed by Palestinians but Israelis as well. The land over which there is constant conflict (Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights) was actually seeded to Palestine many years ago- I bet you didn't know that. During my sophomore year, I took a class entitled Introduction to Conflict Resolution. Our largest assignment for the semester was a World Peace Conference. At this conference, I represented the Palestinian State and Hamas. Yes, I know, Hamas is seen as a terrorist organization by the United States. I did my job in that class and made the highest grade in the class. All of the information I gathered caused me to realize that we only see one side of this story. The United States prides itself on helping all of those suffering around the world- what is there to be done in the Palestinian State? Until some of our ties with Israel cease to exist I can answer that question- nothing.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"I Swear, We are Best Friends!"

I find myself making the statement "we are just friends" at least twice a week. As most of you probably know, I am referring to myself and Jerrel. For some reason, people in Eufaula find it impossible to believe that a girl and a guy can be friends without having added benefits or dating. If there is one boy that I can assure you I have never looked at as more than my best friend, it is Jerrel.
Jerrel and I first became friends during high school- back when he was the skinny, scrawny quarterback at Eufaula High School. Over the years, our friendship has grown a lot. We have been friends through much excitement and much disappointment. While Jerrel was in high school, we celebrated the fact that he led the Eufaula Tigers to the 2006 Class 5A State Championship, and we cried when Athens took home the blue map. One of the best stories involving the idea of Jerrel and me being in a relationship was a situation I created during the playoffs that year.
Eufaula High was set to play Fairfield High School in the second round of the playoffs in Eufaula. Being that Mimi and I were in college and had nothing better to do, we decided we would stir the pot a little and scout the Fairfield team. Through a credible source, we found out that the team would be dining at Michelle's when they arrived in town. So, guess who was at Michelle's for lunch that afternoon as well? You guessed it- Mimi and me. To say that Mimi and I stood out a little in the restaurant was an understatement. Fairfield is an inner city Birmingham team that is majority African American, not to mention we were the only females in the room. We got a lot of attention from the players, much to their coaches' dismay. As I stood in line waiting to go to the bathroom, a couple of the players began asking me if I was going to cheer for Fairfield that night. Hello little high school boys, I am wearing a "Go Tigers" pin, no I am not cheering for you! But instead of pointing out the obvious, I replied, "I can't cheer for yall, my boyfriend plays for Eufaula High." As the conversation progressed, I told them that my boyfriend was #11 Jerrel Jernigan. By the time I got out of the bathroom, these boys were pointing me out to the coach exclaiming, "SHE DATES THE QUARTERBACK!" As I left the restaurant a few minutes later, these nice gentlemen from Fairfield High School assured me that my boyfriend would not have anything to say when they got done with him that night. This situation was the only time in my life I acted as though I dated Jerrel. It provided much entertainment for Mimi and me and a good bit of motivation for my Tigers. After all, it was my Tigers that got the last laugh. My "boyfriend" and his team put a good beat down on Fairfield that night, so he had plenty to say!
We are no longer two Eufaula High School students, rather we are adults. I am a college graduate, getting ready to embark on my law school journey. Jerrel is getting ready to begin his senior year at Troy and prepare himself for the NFL Draft. Since the days of high school football games, we have experienced the ups and downs of college life. We have faced tragedy together and a lot of triumph. I never understood that a girl and a guy could be such close friends without having feelings for each other until my friendship with Jerrel.
God has blessed me by sending such a wonderful friend my way. I can't wait to attend all the Troy football games this year and sit in my comfy chair (Thanks MOM)!!! After next year, it will be very strange for Jerrel to be a foreign city so far away. But, I am sure he will fly me out to visit; someone has to unpack his bags and decorate his house!
The underlying point of this blog is that a guy and a girl can just be friends. If you need evidence to back up this point, just look at Jerrel and me. Do not be surprised if you walk in Willy T's in Eufaula and see the two of us eating lunch together, we are not on a date, it's just a friend outing.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Facebook is the downfall of players and pimps"

As I sit at my lovely desk in the College of Liberal Arts for eight hours a day, I am given plenty of time to "Facebook stalk." My sister likes to refer to it as me being a creeper. Because I am an expert creeper, I feel as though I am entitled to outline a few guidelines that all Facebook users should follow- in my opinion at least. If you disagree with any of the following suggestions or would like to add to the list... please do so in the comment section under the post.

Guidelines for the use of Facebook:
1. Spell check your statuses and posts, especially if you are in the process of trying to make another person look stupid.
2. Use correct grammar. If you are old enough to have a Facebook and know how to use a computer, you should be old enough to know how to speak properly. I know that everyone did not have Kay Whaley to teach them, but if it does not sound right to you, more than likely it's not.
3. Speak in English. Eufaula High School, or any other accredited institution, does not teach ebonics. If you are posting something on Facebook, you intend for other people to read it. I for one do not have time to interpret your incorrect and incredibly distorted use of the English vocabulary.
4. If you are arguing with someone, do not do it over Facebook statuses. Frankly, no one cares. The only purpose that serves is to make other people sit around and discuss how idiotic you appear. It's called Facebook Messanger or a cell phone... some of you should try it.
5. "It's complicated" should not be a relationship status. If it is to the point that you have to put "it's complicated" on a public website, you are not in a functional relationship.
6. Do not put engaged or married unless you are really engaged or married. Now, I have two friends that did this, and I encouraged it... shame on me. It causes way too much unnecessary drama. I promise you that no one on my friends list needs anymore drama.
7. On that note, please do not put that you are married or engaged to your best friend- especially if you are both girls. Unless you live in New Hampshire, Iowa, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, or DC, it is not legal; therefore, we all know you are really not married.
8. Do not poke someone, it is just plain creepy. It is also not flirtatious.
9. Do not attempt to partake in multiple relationships and try to juggle them all while using Facebook. As one of my brilliant friends once said, "Facebook is the downfall of players and pimps." That is a very true statement.
10. If you have a crush on someone or are in a relationship with someone, please do not comment on every picture or post that involves them. This habit is annoying and makes you look like a stalker.
11. Along with that idea, if you are in a relationship, do not "friend" every person that your significant other friends or chats with... also very stalkerish.
12. If someone denies your friend request, do not continually attempt to friend them. You should probably get the idea the first time, they do not want to be your friend. If this does occur, you should not always take it personally, specifically if the person that denies your friend request is my sister, and you are an adult. Shelby has established a new rule- no adults on her Facebook, and I say whatever works best for her.
13. Absolutely DO NOT create a fake facebook and try to friend people who would not be friends with your under normal circumstances...that borderlines on physco.
14. Be aware of the pictures involving yourself that are floating around Facebook. The absolute demise of some people can be credited to their Facebook pictures. Even if some pictures are only online for a few minutes, I guarantee you someone saw them.
15. Never leave your house wearing an outfit that you would not want to appear in a picture on Facebook. If you are going to be with a group of friends, most likely pictures will be taken and someone will upload them. Even if you untag them, people can still find them.
16. Friends do not let friends wear ridiculous outfits to the club. These pictures will also surface on Facebook, bringing disgrace to this person and their entire family- that is the extreme level of terrible that some of the outfits fall under.
17. If your Facebook contains material so grotesque and disturbing that you have to make the majority of your profile private, please delete your Facebook... that within itself proves that you do not need one.
18. Keep all information about potential infectious diseases that you might have acquired off of Facebook. Your status is not an appropriate place to talk about going to the clinic or the rumors that you heard going around about yourself. Although these things may happen, and although they may be true, do not put it on blast on Facebook.
19. Try to minimize the use of bad language. There are a lot of younger children and adults online these days, you don't want to offend someone's little sister or grandma because you feel the need to throw out the "f" word.
20. Overall, use discretion when choosing what to post online. If you do not feel that you can accurately or appropriately use discretion, enlist the help of your friends. Friends do not let friends Facebook and be stupid.