"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Usually, I like to keep my blogs entertaining and upbeat; however, I will warn you, this one is very different. To write about anything other than this subject today would be impossible. Today, people all around Eufaula will say goodbye to their daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, friend, and girlfriend- another young soul lost far too early. I did not know Laura very well, but I do know what her family and friends are going through. For so many of us, it is a tragedy that hits all too close to home, making repressed memories ever-present on our minds and in our hearts.
August 25, 2007, I woke up and planned to go about my Saturday just like any other day. God had very different plans for me that day.... He has a way of doing that. That morning I lost Tylor, and my life changed forever. Various trials we face throughout our lives make it hard not to question God at times. Here I sat, one day before the five year anniversary of my Dad's death, asking WHY? While pondering the why of the situation, I remembered what Tylor told me a mere two days prior-
"Remember Jaclyn, everything happens for a reason, God never gives you more than you can handle."
It is a lot easier to make this statement than to comprehend it. Everything in our earthly life happens for a reason... God truly does have a plan. His plan frequently leaves us weary and asking why, but I guess we will all have to wait until we meet the man upstairs to ask Him ourselves. My heart breaks for all those suffering today, because I never want anyone to feel the pain that is associated with losing someone you love so much.
People say "time heals all pain." Well, that is a lie. I can debunk that myth very quickly- time heals some pain and hides other pain. I believe loved ones learn to deal with and adjust their lives after such an unexpected loss. I know you never get over it. Not one day goes by that I do not think of and miss my Daddy and Tylor. Yes, I know they are in a better place, but that does not always make it easier. Diamond Rio sings a song that states it better than I ever could:
People say "time heals all pain." Well, that is a lie. I can debunk that myth very quickly- time heals some pain and hides other pain. I believe loved ones learn to deal with and adjust their lives after such an unexpected loss. I know you never get over it. Not one day goes by that I do not think of and miss my Daddy and Tylor. Yes, I know they are in a better place, but that does not always make it easier. Diamond Rio sings a song that states it better than I ever could:
"God only cries for the living 'cause it's the living left to carry on. And all the angels up in heaven, they're not grieving 'cause they're gone. There's a smile on their faces 'cause they're in a better place than they've ever known."
I have cried a lot of tears over the loss of Daddy and Tylor, and a lot of tears have been shed in the past few days over the loss of such a beautiful spirit. All I ever heard about Laura was that her outer beauty was equally matched by her inner beauty. In our town it is rare to find someone that no one can speak a negative word about- that is a true testament to her character. The coming days and weeks will be extremely difficult for those closest to Laura, but there will be people out there praying for them and supporting them. Sadly, several of us understand.
The events of this weekend should be a reminder for all us- life is too short. We should hold our loved ones close and live each day to the fullest, we are not promised tomorrow. As teenagers and young adults, we think of ourselves as being invincible. Tragedies such as this should not be in vain. Our town has lost several young people who were innocently going about their everyday lives; yet, their friends and acquaintances go out every weekend and take risks that could be fatal. This should be a wake up call- God could call your name at any moment in any way. Let's face it... God does not Facebook chat us and ask when it would be convenient for Him to call our name- when it's your time, it's your time.
As we reflect on memories of loved ones that have passed away, and we learn to and continue to live our daily lives, we must depend on God to sustain us. After all, each person's first and last breath is part of God's mysterious plan.
The events of this weekend should be a reminder for all us- life is too short. We should hold our loved ones close and live each day to the fullest, we are not promised tomorrow. As teenagers and young adults, we think of ourselves as being invincible. Tragedies such as this should not be in vain. Our town has lost several young people who were innocently going about their everyday lives; yet, their friends and acquaintances go out every weekend and take risks that could be fatal. This should be a wake up call- God could call your name at any moment in any way. Let's face it... God does not Facebook chat us and ask when it would be convenient for Him to call our name- when it's your time, it's your time.
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow."
As we reflect on memories of loved ones that have passed away, and we learn to and continue to live our daily lives, we must depend on God to sustain us. After all, each person's first and last breath is part of God's mysterious plan.
"I'll praise you in this storm, and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried you hold in your hand
You never left my side and though my heart is torn
I will praise you in this storm."
for You are who You are no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried you hold in your hand
You never left my side and though my heart is torn
I will praise you in this storm."
AMAZING, jac! This is one of those topics that's hard to approach, discuss, or comprehend, and i think you did an excellent job my friend! I just wish we could stop losing so many young people. I just found out yesterday that a friend i went to school with in SC died last week in a car accident. It's definitely been an eye-opening week, but i sure do wish it was easier.
ReplyDeleteVery well said. Reading this reminds me of a verse in "Christ Alone" by the Gettys:
ReplyDelete"...from life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand."