So, today is my favorite day of the week- FRIDAY! When Friday rolls around, it means I have successfully completed another full week of work, and my reward is two days of relaxation in Eufaula. For the second week in a row, I have saved my news blog for my favorite day! I think a Friday news blog is slowly establishing itself as a tradition.
BP Oil Spill
Three weeks ago I first voiced my opinion about the BP oil spill. Today, on Day 60, nothing has really changed. I can definitely say nothing has gotten better, if anything, things are much worse than officials ever anticipated. It literally makes me sick to my stomach watching the news and seeing the pictures of the once beautiful, white Gulf Coast beaches. It breaks my heart to see the pictures of the defenseless, oil-covered animals. Reports state that the animals continue to move closer to shore seeking clean water and fresh air to breath; sadly, the oil is right behind them. My absolute favorite CEO, Tony Hayward, appeared before Congress yesterday. He received a verbal lashing from one representative after another, except for Rep. Barton (R) of Texas of course. I can not even begin discussing Joe Barton, we do not have time for all of that. Tony Hayward, displaying the distant, nonchalant attitude for which he has become infamous, repeatedly denied any knowledge of the rig that exploded and sparked the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Mr. Hayward, of course you had no knowledge, what exactly do you have knowledge about? To date, you have shown the American public.... well, nothing. Evidence has shown that your company is clearly negligent- 760 OSHA safety violations in the past five years, compared to two by Citgo and one by Exxon Mobil. Critics suggest that the future of British Petroleum operations in our country currently hangs in the balance. Honestly, if I never saw the little green and yellow sign again, I would be ecstatic. I have never ever ever cussed in my blog; however there is only word sufficient and accurate enough to describe the majority of the big name individuals dealing with this unprecedented environmental disaster- dumbass. Yes, I am talking most specifically to you Tony Hayward.
Utah Execution
Did you know that a state could still execute someone by using a firing squad? I sure did not. The state of Utah executed Ronnie Lee Gardner last night- he was pronounced dead at 12:17 A.M. to be exact. When sentenced to death, Gardner could choose between death by firing squad or death by lethal injection. The state later eliminated the firing squad as an option in 2004. Gardner received the death sentence after being convicted of the 1985 death of Utah attorney Michael Burdell. Gardner shot Burdell to death as he attempted to escape from the old Metropolitan Justice Hall in Salt Lake City. This execution follows the logic shared by many proponents of capital punishment- "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
Arizona Immigration Law
I have not done much research about this issue; however, as the subject receives more and more media attention, I realized I should probably look into it. As of now, the federal government is looking to file a lawsuit against Arizona. That is all I know. Do not worry- immigration is a hot topic in our apartment, so I need to know more about Arizona's little law. By next week, I will be an expert!
NBA Finals
Well, the Lakers won it all. For the second consecutive year, the NBA Finals became a "Lake Show." I am proud to say that a large portion of my Facebook friends were pulling for the Celtics, but they just could not quite finish it off. Props to both teams for a fantastic Finals, and congrats to the Lakers... maybe next, it will be someone else.
World Cup Soccer
It's still dominating sports headlines and television stories. I still don't care. How many days until August when real football starts? Have no fears... a countdown will begin very soon!
Hometown Sports News
My Mom called me this morning to say, "Your best friend's head is going to be a little bigger after today." Indeed, it might be. Earlier in the week, the Dothan Eagle conducted an interview with Jerrel and made it a feature story. That story is printed in today's Eufaula Tribune. For those of you that do not have access to either newspaper, I will post the link to the online story below. I look forward to seeing how Jerrel teaching the "young cats" turns out. Also, I am expecting him to take the ball to the "crib" at least three times on special teams. That my friends is real football.
Have a good weekend ya'll! Try to stay cool!
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