So, here is the deal. I have a problem. I love to eat. When I say eat, I mean eat. I love fried chicken, bread, chocolate, basically all sweets, soft drinks, and sweet tea. This would not be a problem if I had the metabolism of Laura or Ashley, but God did not bless me with being natural skinny. If I want to be skinny (my skinny is still a little thick thanks to the thighs), then I literally have to work my butt off.
If you take a look at the pictures I posted, you will notice a significant difference. The first picture was taken on my graduation day- May 2010. The second picture was taken around September 2008. The second picture is a much skinnier Jaclyn, one that is buried somewhere under the layer of fat I have acquired thanks to donuts and ice cream.
I have an extremely bad habit of dieting in spurts. I will work very hard for a few weeks, lose several pounds, then fall back into old habits. As of today, I am making a resolution for that never to happen again. This time, I am going to lose the weight and keep it off. After all, when I am in law school, when will I have time to eat?
I want to do this diet thing the right way. I know plenty of people that starve themselves or create unhealthy habits to shed their unwanted weight, but that is not me. I want to lose the weight the right way, so that it will be easier to keep off in the long run.
I began my diet and working out yesterday. I plan on eating at home everyday during lunch and cooking something healthy for supper every night (probably chicken or a lean cuisne). I am going to make myself go to the gym everyday, because I know if I miss one day, I will be off track.
My ultimate goal is to lose forty pounds and find that skinny Jaclyn that existed two years go. Lots of prayers needed!
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