I saved my news blog for Friday, because I wanted to be able to cover all the exciting events for the week. Let's face it, there is way too much going on in the world. I have a lot of topics to cover, sports included, so I will only be giving a brief report on each subject.
**First and foremost, seventeen American men and women were killed in Afghanistan in four days this week. Yesterday, I looked into the eyes of a guy who lost one of his good friends, a Marine, over there this week. I never want to feel that pain, but it reminded me that freedom comes with a price. So, as most of us sit in air conditioned offices all day, yet still find something to complain about, let's remember our service people who are fighting for us. God Bless America, and God Bless our troops.**
Joran van der Sloot
So, frankly, I am tired of talking about and hearing about van der Sloot. I am relieved to know that he is being charged with first degree murder and robbery. In Peru, if he is found guilty, he will serve 15 to 35 years in prison. REALLY??? The only way van der Sloot gets what he deserves is if he becomes everyone's new, favorite pretty boy in jail. Have fun Joran, don't drop the soap.
BP Oil Spill
Day 53. Things are one million times worse than what researchers first estimated. Tony Hayward is still an idiot. The government is still trying to figure out what to do. Sorry Obama, I am afraid this has become your Katrina, except much much worse. My question remains- What can you do? So much damage has already been done, and there is no way to contain all of the oil. I thought offshore drilling was a marvelous idea, maybe I was wrong.
The Stock Market
Regardless of what Ashley thinks, the stock market is very important! After a hectic week of trading, due to the European market, the Dow is now above 10,000 again. I like green arrows, not red ones.
University of Southern California
Let's face it, no one really likes USC. It probably did not hurt many people's feelings when the NCAA issued their findings in the lengthy investigation involving the USC Athletic Department. I have two key concerns about the NCAA's ruling.
#1- Reggie Bush- I love the Saints, but this is your fault. You are living the highlife of a Super Bowl champ, and your alma mater is now suffering because of your selfishness. You have taken the opportunity to play in a bowl game away from a lot of young men that wear the same colors you once did. Not only that, your actions have cost your former teammates and school a national championship. This should be a lesson for college players- don't let your head get too big, don't do anything that could jeopardize the future of your school's program.
#2- So, USC loses their National Championship, what happens then? Will the record books show no national champion for the 2004 season? Logically, one would say the #2 team should be given the championship. At the end of the season, Auburn was the #2 team in the country, but they were not USC's opponent in the National Championship game. In my books, of course, Auburn should have it- after all, they already got screwed out of it once.
The best part of this situation is that Lane Kiffin (an SEC outcast) is now the one left to deal with the lose of scholarships and inability to play in a bowl game for the next two years. You caused problems at Tennessee, and their new coach is left to deal with them- it is only fitting that you are left to deal with Pete Carroll's problems!
Conference Chaos
I am not a happy camper about all of the conference switching. If this craziness were confined to conferences like the Big 12, Big Ten, Mountain West, and WAC, I would not care. However, if the Big Ten is looking to restructure their conference so that it will be the toughest and most feared in the country, the SEC can not sit idly. So, who will the SEC invite to join the most powerful conference in the NCAA? I put my money on an ACC team- Florida State, Clemson, Miami, and Georgia Tech. Those would be my top four teams. Commentators have thrown around the idea of extending the invitation to Oklahoma. That is ludicrous. SEC stands for SOUTHEASTERN Conference. I believe you should be located in the southeastern portion of the United States if you want to be part of the SEC. Last time I checked the map, Oklahoma was in the Midwest. The idea of conference expansion makes me weary but so does the Bowl Championship Series, and it happens every year. Once all of jet engines cool off and the secret meetings become public information, it will be interesting to see how all of the conference realignment turns out.
The World Cup
This is big news in a variety of countries across the world- in both the political and sports arenas. But, wait, I don't care.
NBA Finals
Outside of their loyal followers, the Lakers have about as many supporters as USC. They are a great franchise, and the best will always be hated. I have no allegiance to either team, I do enjoy watching quality basketball. Four games in and a tied series makes for an extremely interesting Finals.
That's about all I have today guys! Have a great weekend!
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