As the majority of you know, I am a news junkie. I check online newspapers and sites at least ten times a day. I even read newspapers... I know shocking, someone under the age of forty reads a written news source. I try not to bore people with my blog topics, so I am limiting myself to only one blog focusing on current events a week, maybe two if special circumstances arise. This week, three news stories caught my attention... so, reporter Jaclyn is on the stories.
Jordan van der Sloot
I found it rather disturbing to turn on the news last night and see Jordan van der Sloot's face. Hadn't Mr. van der Sloot previously been questioned, arrested, and released in connection with the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalie Holloway? Almost five years to the day that Holloway vanished, a young woman in Peru is murdered. She was last seen leaving a casino with van der Sloot, and her body was later found in a hotel room under his name. Does the MO sound familiar? Oh yes, one major difference exists, there is a body this time. Just a couple of hours ago, Jordan van der Sloot was arrested by Chilean authorities. I am sorry, but how stupid do you have to be? Mr. van der Sloot, you got away with murder the first time, shouldn't you have learned your lesson? Apparently not- let's hope that justice is served this time. Regardless of the justice served for the murder in Peru, no justice has been served and no closure exist for Natalie Holloway's family and the community of Mountain Brook, Alabama. I would be ok with whatever form of punishment the courts of Peru find appropriate for Jordan van der Sloot- even if it is hanging him by his toenails or another body part (check my facebook page for suggestions). Van der Sloot is truly an evil man and a stupid, stupid criminal.
BP Oil Spill
This story breaks my heart. I grew up spending my summer vacations on the beautiful white beaches of the Florida panhandle. Every weekend during the warm-weather months, thousands of Georiga cars drive thru Eufaula en route to these same gorgeous beaches. Pretty soon, my wonderful memories of the Gulf Coast beaches will be just that, a memory. As the oil nears the Alabama and Florida coast panic has set in. The BP oil spill is no longer an image on television, but it is reality for Americans in Louisana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. New estimates surface daily- the latest stated that the oil spill could potentially be the worst natural disaster this country has ever faced. My question is, what can be done? So much damage has already occurred and so much damage is eminent. BP CEO Tony Hayward initially stated that the oil spill was relatively small compared to the overall size of the Gulf of Mexico. My favorite statement of Mr. Hayward's was made just this past week. He said, "There is no one that wants this thing to be over with more than me. I want my life back." Excuse me Mr. Hayward- you want your life back? Did you forget about the eleven men that lost their lives when your oil rig exploded, an oil rig that your company knew was not properly functioning. Sir, you do not even live in this country. I am sorry for not being able to empathize with you and the disruption this event has caused to your life, but my sympathy belongs to the residents of the Gulf Coast. Yes, the men and women whose entire livelihood has been taken away because of your company's irresponsibility. The ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico will never be the same, people have lost loved ones, and entire lives have been ruined; so Mr. Hayward, I hope your life never returns to normal. I pray that your company is held completely accountable for the unprecedented destruction they have caused.
The Middle East
Ok, I know, the Middle East is a very broad topic. Do not worry, I will narrow it down very quickly for you. The biggest issue I have in the Middle East at the moment is Israel. No, we are not at war with Israel, so you probably are confused as to why I am concerned about America's friend. Oh wait, there is the problem. Israel is America's friend. The United States refuses to break any type of connection with Israel to address other issues in the Middle East. If the United States wants any "street cred" on the world stage, then our government should probably break a few ties- first and foremost our relationship with Israel. The relationship hinders the United States from having an accurate perspective on the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian State. If most Americans did a little research, they would quickly discover the same information I did. Suicide bombings and extreme violence are not only committed by Palestinians but Israelis as well. The land over which there is constant conflict (Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights) was actually seeded to Palestine many years ago- I bet you didn't know that. During my sophomore year, I took a class entitled Introduction to Conflict Resolution. Our largest assignment for the semester was a World Peace Conference. At this conference, I represented the Palestinian State and Hamas. Yes, I know, Hamas is seen as a terrorist organization by the United States. I did my job in that class and made the highest grade in the class. All of the information I gathered caused me to realize that we only see one side of this story. The United States prides itself on helping all of those suffering around the world- what is there to be done in the Palestinian State? Until some of our ties with Israel cease to exist I can answer that question- nothing.
i saw the story about van der sloot today and almost puked..what an IDIOT! (p.s. its Natalee. i know how u like correct spelling)
ReplyDeletewith the oil spill, i heard some men at work talking about the specifics, which i definitely did not understand! hah but apparently the BP dude decided to go the cheap route with the oil rig, and if he had not done that, it never would have happened..seriously, IDIOTS!
moral of the story, there are alot of idiots out there