1. THINK. Really, this should not be that hard, but for some reason, guys just do not use their brains sometimes. If a guy sat around and carefully considered an action before acting on it or words before speaking or texting them, things would turn out much better (especially for him).
2. If you date a girl, you should always be willing to help her family out when asked. For example, you are over at her house to eat dinner and Mom needs a bag of ice- buddy, you should be jumping off the couch to run to the store. Showing sincere concern and interest in her family in turn shows sincere concern and interest in her and your relationship.
3. When your girlfriend decides she needs to run to Wal-Mart or the Beeline, you should also be jumping out of your seat to ride with her. This rule is particularly important if it is dark outside. Now really, do you want your girlfriend walking in a dark parking lot alone at night? If you are thinking, then the answer is NO!
4. I know that formal dates are rare in this day and time, but should you be going on one, please read carefully. You go to pick your date up from her house- NEVER EVER EVER just blow the horn or text and say "in the driveway." Get your lazy booty out of the vehicle, walk to the door, politely knock, make small talk with the parents, and pick up your date. If you are just running to town or something of that nature, it is fine to call or text and say you are in the drive way, still do not just blow the horn.
5. Speaking of dates, you should plan one every once in a while. I can not tell you how excited your girlfriend would be if you told her that you planned an outing for yall- dinner and a movie or a sporting event or just a relaxing evening at home. It shows you care.
6. If you are on a date, you should pay. This rule is key if you initiate the date... no if's, and's, or but's about it. If you planned it together or are just meeting up, it is up for discussion, but you should at least offer sometimes.
7. Open the door- the car door, the store door, the house door. Back in the day, opening the door for your lady was common place, not as much so now. Surprise her sometimes and open the car door, especially when you are on a date. Always open the door to a structure (yes, that means house, store, restaurant, gas station... anything with four walls). It shows your true character when you open the door for not only her but also other women entering at that time.
8. Hold hands with your girlfriend, it makes her feel safe.
9. Drive. People joke that men are better drivers, but I believe that women would just rather the men drive. S Dole and I are both princesses, we like being chauffeured around... so man up and get behind the wheel!
10. Carrying bags is another "boy job." If you are traveling together, you should always load and unload the luggage (and carry it when you get there). If your girlfriend goes shopping, you should offer to bring the bags in from the car. Most importantly, a guy's job on a shopping trip consists of sitting on a bench and holding the bags... can you handle that?
11. When you go to the girl's house (be it her's or her parent's), take out the trash. Trash can be heavy and nasty... so, it's your chore!
12. If your girlfriend cooks for you, you better offer to wash the dishes. She may want to do them herself (yeah right), but it is always nice to offer.
13. Grilling is your job. Some women like to grill, not me. If it requires a big flame and charcoal, I am going to need you to prepare that.
14. The whole "equal women movement" has caused some people to believe that women should be mowing the grass and trimming the trees. I pay a lot of money for my fingernails, I am not one of those women.
15. The car= YOUR job. If it needs washing or cleaning, I love helping... key word- helping. If it needs fixing, I will leave that up to you. If it needs gas, I will swipe my credit card, but please pump it.
16. From previous blogs and previous knowledge of my life, you should know that electronics hate me. I like for my man to deal with the electronics, be it my cell phone, computer, television, or Garmin. It will save a lot of headache and me having a meltdown.
17. If you have a dog together, you are in charge of dog poop... simple enough.
18. Always be willing to give your girlfriend a massage. If you volunteer for the task, you might even get one in return.
19. Text or call your girlfriend just to let her know you are thinking about her. A text such as "hey baby" or "what are you doing" means you are thinking of her.
20. ALWAYS be ready to stand up for and defend your girlfriend. Never let other people talk badly about her and never let another man disrespect her. She is your girlfriend, you care about her, so you take care of her!!!
I know the list could go on and on... so please comment with additions! Happy Monday!

If you take a girl to a party or gathering of your friends (especially if she doesnt know those friends), do NOT walk off and leave her by herself to look like a fool!
ReplyDeleteIf the girl takes the guy to a party where he doesnt know her friends, the guy should, under NO circumstances, get so drunk that she has to be embarrassed and apologize to her friends.
Very good. You should write the party rules portion!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I loved this :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd Cassie, that is soo freaking true...
#'s 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 19 are my favorites... Maybe this should be sent to match.com/eharmony.com for the public to view? :)