This blog is by special request- thanks Amelia! I have to agree, it is definitely needed. I have outlined general guidelines that I believe should be followed when using Facebook. Today's blog focuses on the simple do's and do not's of Facebook statuses. Once again, please feel free to provide input... I know I will miss some pretty disturbing ones.
Drum Roll Please
In no random order... things that should not appear on your Facebook status:
1. No one cares about anything that has to do with your bodily functions. Really, that is just nasty. If you have to pass gas or do the #2... your Facebook family can live without knowing about it.
2. Along those same lines, no one needs to know about the enormous gash in your leg that is ozzing green liquid and smells bad. That is beyond nasty, it's disgusting.
3. It is awesome that you want to use your status to promote safe sex; however, you should probably carefully word the status. Anything that discusses your trip to the health department because you heard rumors about yourself, rumors indicating you have an STI, probably is not Facebook appropriate. I do, however, commend the attempt at a public service status.
4. While we are talking about sex (yes, you can blush now), no one needs to know about your sex life. We do not need to know that there is a "fire in your bedroom that needs putting out." We do not need to know that you don't care if it "burns when you pee," because you are in love with a stripper. Keep your sex life at your house, preferably off your computer.
5. You should definitely not use your status to personally attack your lover, especially if that person is, in reality, dating or married to someone else. It makes all parties appear rather ridiculous.
6. In fact, you should not use your status to personally attack anyone. You should avoid direct arguments via Facebook statuses at all times. It provides entertainment for others, but they are actually laughing at your lack of maturity.
7. I do not know how many times that same sentiment needs to be reiterated- please do no make every status about your boyfriend, baby daddy, or crush. Your relationship is not between you and your significant other when you make every moment public knowledge. Also, do not lie about spending time or participating in activities... that's creepy.
8. Do not detail every single activity of your day. If you had a stalker, they would be able to charge you with enabling their activity- anyone could locate you at any point in any day. Maintain some type of privacy and discretion.
9. Do not put ludicrous or offensive lyrics or quotes on your status. You probably have an adult friend or a younger child friend. Try to refrain from dropping the "f bomb" and what not on your status.
10. Think. If everyone thought while using Facebook, it would make it a more drama-free (yes, slightly less entertaining) place.
I know not everyone adheres to these rules; although, in my book, they should. I have several Marines as friends, and I could write an entire blog referencing their statuses alone. Next time you decide to share your thoughts or actions with your Facebook family, please consider... is it really appropriate? Have a great weekend!
i like #7 "lying about spending time or participating in activities."