Well, as I write, it all seems surreal, all too bittersweet. I never thought I could fall head over heels in love with a town, and I did. I love Auburn- the school, the community, the people. It's hard to imagine that I moved here on my eighteenth birthday, almost four years ago. And today, I will say goodbye to the town that stole my heart and forever changed my life. I honestly believed I could make it through my final days in Auburn without crying or getting too emotional. As I drove down College Street last night, I saw campus- the Auburn University sign and the lights shining on Samford Hall. At that point, it hit me. It was my last night in Auburn. Sure, I can visit anytime and ride around the place I called home for four years; however, it will never be the same again.
I decided that on my last night, I would ride around campus one more time. I reminisced about some of my most memorable Auburn moments as I drove down College, Samford, Donahue, and Magnolia. As I drove by the President's mansion, I recalled Bid Day 2006. On that lawn, I nervously waited with my Pi Chi group as we watched our bids arrive. One by one, we opened our bids and our destiny for the next four years was laid out in front of us. I clearly remembering running to Boyd Hall to be greeted by the massive amounts of red and green that would become a dominant part of my life. The Hill dorms further reminded me of Rush and my first three years in Alpha Chi. I made friends that will last a lifetime in the Epsilon Zeta chapter of Alpha Chi Omega.
I turned onto Donahue and saw the Athletic Department. I slaved long hours in that building making my best attempt at educating some of Auburn's finest athletes. It was not until my time in the Athletic Department that I realized how much behind the scenes work goes into running a competitive, college level athletic program. I developed close bonds with some of Auburn's future standout players. As I watch Auburn football this year, I will proudly cheer for my team, my friends.
Next, I saw the Coliseum and could only think of the Auburn vs. Tennessee women's game last season. I have never seen the Coliseum so packed. The best part, of course, was Auburn beating Pat Summitt's Lady Vols. Directly across from the Coliseum sits the new Auburn Arena. Wow, is all I can say about it. I had the privilege of touring the Arena on A-Day in April, and I can not wait for basketball season to begin. As Auburn tries to revamp its basketball program, a new coach and the Auburn Arena should definitely help the effort. Any high school recruit will stand in awe at the sight of the magnificent facility.
I believe the most tears flowed as I passed Jordan-Hare Stadium. I have attended Auburn football games since I was two years old, and I always dreamed of the day I would attend Auburn. Now, that dream has come and gone- I have the beautifully framed diploma to prove it! Some of my most meaningful Auburn memories took place in the stadium. During my tenure at Auburn, I saw the ultimate downfall of one head coach and the questionable arrival of his successor. Let me highlight a portion of that last word- success. Auburn fans across the country were puzzled and confused as the hiring of Gene Chizik was announced. I honestly thought Auburn had lost its mind. Boy, could I have not been more wrong. Coach Chizik brought a new outlook to Auburn football and managed to have an 8-5 season. All of the players have faith in their coaches and trust their decisions, they are truly a family.
The greatest testament to the idea of the Auburn family was seen during the 2009 Iron Bowl. Our Tigers fought a long, hard battle against the #2 ranked Crimson Tide, and we ultimately lost 26-21. Of course, the Alabama fans celebrated in usual fashion; after all, they completed an undefeated regular season, a huge feat in the Southeastern Conference. But, on that day, something unexpected happened. Just as the Alabama fans stayed in their seats at the end of the game to celebrate, so did the Auburn fans. As our boys walked off the field, it was to the sounds of "I'm Proud to be an Auburn Tiger" screamed by 80,000 ecstatic fans. Auburn's victory may have only been a moral victory, but it left Alabama fans and sports announcers in shock. It provided a glimpse into what the future holds- a new era of Auburn football. Most importantly, it allowed the entire nation to see what being a member of the Auburn family truly means.
As I finished my tour around campus, I thought of my times in Glom Office. Without a doubt, this was my safe haven on campus. My Auburn experience would not have been complete without my memories in this office with Lisa, Ben, Chad, Taylor, and so many more. Two other opportunities allowed me to give back to Auburn, a school and town that gave me so much. Serving as the director of the 2009 Miss Auburn University Pageant and working for two years as a SOS orientation leader. Both of these programs gave me greater insight into Auburn and allowed me to create bonds that I will cherish forever.
As I hit I-85 South tonight, I will leave part of my heart on the Plains. Auburn served as a safe place for me to return to after one of the worst experiences of my life. Auburn gave me the opportunity to meet fabulous people, people that will be my best friends for years to come. Auburn not only provided me with an education but with ample life-changing and growing experiences. As I survive my first year of law school, I will frequently revert back to the good times I had in Auburn- whether it was singing the Alma Mater at the top of my lungs with Heather in Apartment 213 or standing in the pouring rain to watch Auburn defeat West Virginia. No matter where life takes me or what God has in planned for my future, I will always be most proud to tell people that I am not just an Auburn graduate but a member of the Auburn family.
I love this bestie!! I even teared up a little while reading it. I'm going to be the same way you are when I leave Troy in December!!! I can't even think about that yet because I could cry now!!