Inspite of all the confusion in our country today,
I'm proud to be an American; I'd have it no other way.
Our country was founded and has been sustained by many
Unknown heroes who lived, cried, bleed, and died, so that
Freedom future generations would know.
Today as I say the pledge and place my hand upon my heart,
I think of the future and ask you, Lord, how do I do my part?
Do I write letters to Washington to let them know I take a stand?
Or do I serve my community by lending a helping hand?
Do I teach others about your loving care?
Do I do enough, Lord, when I teach a child to read or share?
I thank you for this nation, Lord. Its bounty is unmeasured.
We educate our children, they are our greatest treasures.
With National Parks and Conservations your majestic
Creations are acknowledged without reservation.
I thank you for this nation, Lord,
That offers programs for the sick and needy
And for the judicial process, though it's not always speedy.
I'm thankful I can reassure hopeful children when they say,
We want to be teachers, artists, or preachers,
Do you think there is a way?
But, I'm proudest of the fact that on this and every day,
My two daughters can worship you, God, in their own special way.
They can sing in a country church or pray in a great cathedral.
Yes, God, you have blessed America from sea to shining sea!
Let us strive to be the Christian Nation, Lord,
That you would have us be!
- Sheila Colombo
(My mom wrote this for our Independence Day Service at church about ten years ago!)
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