A couple of months ago, I wrote an entire blog that provided information about ME! Today, I want to share something different. In life, there are just some things that I do not appreciate or condone. I am quite sure that these little pet peeves bother people other than me. So, the following is a list of "no no's" in my book.
1. Smoking. This is undoubtedly, without argument number one. I despise the smell. In fact, I can't be around the smell without getting a migraine. It causes cancer, destroys all parts of your body, and smells horrible, why do it?
2. Being racist. It is the 21st century, I think we should have probably moved past judging people based on the color of their skin. Sadly, some people have not.
3. Being unpatriotic. Our soldiers fight so that our country can remain the greatest, free nation in the world. Don't hate.
4. Bad grammar. I know not everyone had the privilege of being educated by Kay Whaley, but that does not mean you are exempt from using correct grammar on a daily basis. Using proper grammar allows one to sound educated, using improper grammar forces one to appear as though they just exited the nearest trailer park.
5. Greasy hair. It is not hard to wash your hair, it only takes a few minutes. Shampoo is cheap, you can buy it at my favorite store- Dollar Tree! Just get up a few minutes early everyday and wash your hair. Greasy hair=DISGUSTING!
6. Bad hair. People that bleach and highlight their hair too much develop "bad hair" in my book. It begins to look frizzy and dried out. I like a more natural look- yes, my hair is its natural color.
7. Chipped fingernail polish. For some reason, I have always thought this screamed unkempt- it most likely has something to do with the fact that my Mom would never let my fingernail polish get chipped when I was a child.
8. Mismatched fingernail polish. Red fingernail polish and blue toenail polish might be patriotic, but in my book, it's not ok. I like to keep the my colors matching, it looks more classy.
9. Eyebrows that need plucking. Ok, I am guilty of that right now, but I am fixing it this afternoon. Well-maintained eyebrows is a sign that you care about your outer appearance.
10. Little girls that do not wear bloomers. As a young girl, my Mama always made me wear bloomers under my dress- this prevented me from flashing my panties. It disturbs me when little girls run around and pull their dresses over their heads and you see their diaper or panties.
11. Extreme body piercings- eyebrow, tongue, etc. Well, it screams skanky.
12. Boys that wear short shorts. My friend Chalker and I use to joke that some of the boys on campus looked as though they were wearing their little sister's shorts. Not cool.
13. Cracking of joints. The noise freaks me out. Bottomline.
14. Too tight clothing. If a size zero girl wears an extremely tight outfit, it causes her to look larger. Even worse, when a very large person wears too tight clothing- truly unfortunate.
15. Older people that try to dress young. OK, I do not mean truly old people- I am referring to Mom's. It is awesome when a mom and daughter can share clothes; however, you have to draw the line somewhere. Some outfits just are not appropriate for Mom.
Now you know a few of my pet peeves. I hope you have had a great week thus far, it's almost over!
for some reason, #5 just made me laugh hahah!
ReplyDeleteadding to the list,
-ppl who chew with their mouth open, talk with a mouth full of food, and people who smack their gum and constantly pop it! ugh
and i'm sure that there are a few we discussed in the Glom office that didnt make it into the blog! haha